Posted in 8th Grade Language, 8th Grade Reading

8th Grade Language

Spanish on Duolingo until the end of June.

ASL (American Sign Language) and PSE (Pidgin Signed English)

7/1/20-7/7/20, Learning basic ASL phrases

7/12/20-7/14/20, Learning about ASL language structure

7/15/20, Researching BSE (British Sign Language)

7/15/20, Learning about PSE and PSE language structure

7/16/20-7/20/20, Practice signing more complex sentences in PSE

7/23/20-7/24/20, Practice signing faster in ASL and PSE

7/27/20-7/28/20, Watching videos of people signing ASL

7/29/20, Learning signs for family members in ASL

7/30/20, Watching videos of people signing in ASL

8/2/20, Learning how to sign basic colors in ASL

8/3/20-8/10/20, Practice signing faster in PSE

8/11/20-8/13/20, Teaching myself how to read ASL sign faster

8/15/20-8/18/20, Teaching basic PSE phrases to my sister

8/20/20-10/1/20, Learning harder words and sentences in PSE