Posted in 2021 Eval, 9th Grade Typing, 9th Reading, 9th Writing

The Science and Biology Behind Being Transgender

“There is no science or biology behind being transgender” is a phrase I have heard more than once. Even though many people believe this, I have composed my research into one essay for those who are curious and want to educate themselves on this topic.

When does it start? When you are born, a doctor will state if you are a boy or a girl based on your genitalia. However, the brain and the body don’t always match. Gender is determined not only by our genitalia but also by something in our brain. Dr. Altinay explains, “When we look at the transgender brain, we see that the brain resembles the gender that the person identifies as,” An individual born with a penis but who later identifies as a female, for example, may have some of the anatomical features of a “female” brain. Transgender woman’s brains mirror those of cisgender women rather than those of cisgender males. The same goes for transgender male brains. Transgender male brains mirror those of cisgender men rather than cisgender women. When tested, transgender women also have the same BSTc (an area of the brain responsible for sexual behavior and anxiety responses) as a cisgender woman, and that is before taking hormone replacement therapy. (*If someone is cisgender, this means they identify as the gender they were assigned at birth.*)

While this essay is primarily about the science and biology behind being transgender, I feel compelled to write about a misconception I have seen recently, especially since I am on the topic of transgender people. Transwomen do not owe anyone femininity, it is entirely up to the individual on how they choose to present their identity. As a transmale, I also do not owe anyone masculinity. Neither does any transman, for that matter. If a transman wanted to wear a dress and makeup, it does not invalidate the individual of being transgender. If a transwoman wanted to have short hair and not wear makeup, it does not invalidate the individual of being transgender. Simply, that is how they choose to present themselves, while still being transgender.


Research on the Transgender Brain: What You Should Know – Health Essentials from Cleveland Clinic

Between the (Gender) Lines: the Science of Transgender Identity – Science in the News (

Causes of transsexuality – Wikipedia

Transgender – Wikipedia

BSTc brain differences and transsexualism (